Friday, June 30, 2006

What Kind Of Mom?

I took this quiz, and it said...

Your quiz results make you a Zen Mom

How do you do it? Even when explosions are all around, you are able to take a deep cleansing breath and chant your mantra "this too shall pass." You are a calming influence on your kids in a hectic world.

Yep, I think that's me. :)

Thursday, June 29, 2006

That Silly Cat!

Hot Hot Hot

It's hot here. To beat the heat I filled up Elijah's old tubby with some water. He sure had fun.

This weekend is the Cherry Creek Arts Festival. We checked it out last year, and it was kind of neat, so we'll try to make it again. We may also aim to go to the Farmer's Market, they have one now at Southlands. Did I mention that they finished the sidewalk, so now I can walk there? I love that!

Nothing else is going on, just same old. I'm a little bummed that I wasn't able to secure a good deal to go to D.C. for the Alberta exhibit (Kelly you have to go without me). But we're looking into taking a trip to Vegas in August (Athena, I know it'll be hot, but it'll be fun). We'll see where things go, nothing is set in stone. But you guys know me, I like to have things planned, and things to look forward to (70 days until Cate & Kaisara come!).

Well I'll close with a quote from Rounders.

Mike McDermott: Why do you think the same five guys make it to the final table of the World Series of Poker EVERY YEAR? What, are they the luckiest guys in Las Vegas?

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Music Parade

I need to stay away from the iTunes store for a while. I really can't afford to be buying a song here, and a song there. You can see the last 5 songs I bought by looking at my top 5 on the lower left side.

But I had to check it out because BNL released their latest single (as an EP) Easy. The snippet doesn't give me enough to decide whether I want to buy it though. I do love that it is Ed singing though. Even if it grows on me (which is likely), I'll probably wait for the new album.

I just found out that one of my favorite bands, Easily Amused, has a band member competing on Canadian Idol. Obviously I can't watch the show (nor would I if I could), but I encourage my Canadian friends to root for Keith Macpherson. Because he has a great voice, and he writes wonderful music. Now get out and add Easily Amused to your library!

I'll close with a quote from High Fidelity.

Rob: What came first, the music or the misery? People worry about kids playing with guns, or watching violent videos, that some sort of culture of violence will take them over. Nobody worries about kids listening to thousands, literally thousands of songs about heartbreak, rejection, pain, misery and loss. Did I listen to pop music because I was miserable? Or was I miserable because I listened to pop music?

To Make You Smile

For Athena, who does exist.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Monday Monday

So... what did you do this weekend? Nothing. Just a lot of hanging out around the house, hanging out on the patio. Yesterday was a pretty good church service, and then we hung out in the backyard with some friends.

This morning Geoff had to be at work early, and I had a play date with my friend Kirsten. We had some tea and let all the kids run around her house. I brought donuts (breakfast of champions) so we were all high on sugar.

This week, not much going on. No plans for Saturday (Canada Day), and it feels silly to plan something for the Fourth, given that we aren't "official" Americans.

Wish I could say there was stuff going on. I had a great talk with Dawn yesterday (almost an hour and half), so I felt rejuvenate after that. Wish I could see Ryan in person, but it'll have to wait until there is money. Can't spend what you don't have right? And I just don't have the energy to travel alone with a wiggle worm. Dawn was kind of sad that I wouldn't be coming, but she understood (Dawn's the best).

I guess I'll close with a quote from To Die For.

Suzanne Stone Maretto: It's nice to live in a country where life, liberty... and all the rest of it still stand for something.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Friday, June 23, 2006

Quote For The Day

"There is no such thing as public opinion. There is only published opinion."
- Winston Churchill

Thursday, June 22, 2006

To Make You Laugh

I was gonna post this the day it was published, but I already decided I had to post the Get Fuzzy comic. Thank to Geoff for getting me hooked on this comic.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

What Is Going On?

Monday night I had a rough night, I barely slept. So Tuesday I felt like I was moving on autopilot (not good when you're driving). I just didn't feel like myself all day. I slept much better last night though.

(time has passed)

I just edited this post, and took out all the angry/annoyed stuff that I've been bothered by. It's not worth it, I'm dealing with it. I just need God to help me see others through His eyes. Not through my angry/annoyed eyes. I'm just sick of people lying to me and being hypocritical. I won't deny I have my hypocritical moments, and I won't say I'm not a liar at times. It's just the ramifications of honesty are not rewarded. I'm just weary of the drama.

The 30 Second Bunnies are working on their parody of Office Space. I can't wait! They just finished their parody of Superman (the original).

I guess I'll close with a quote from Robot Chicken (season one available on DVD).

Darth Vader: Luke... I am your father!
Luke Skywalker: Noooo! That's not true. That's impossible!
Darth Vader: And Princess Leia is your sister!
Luke Skywalker: That's not true. That's... improbable.
Darth Vader: And the Empire will be defeated by Ewoks!
Luke Skywalker: That's... very unlikely...
Darth Vader: And as a child, I built C-3PO!

(see for yourself)

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Monday, June 19, 2006

What Classic Movie Are You?


Just a breezy weekend with great weather for us. Saturday we ran errands and did some chores. Geoff weeded our yard, and it looks great now. We had afternoon tea in the backyard and played whist. Saturday night we alternated between the Oiler/Hurricane game and the Esks/Stamps game. With the Esks playing, we mostly stayed on hockey. I'm so stoked that the Oil pushed a game 7. This is the way the cup should be played every year.

Sunday for Father's Day we got up early and headed to The Original Pancake House. We had time before church, so we went for coffee at Caribou, and being the only ones there, we got to sit in the good chairs for the first time. Whenever we go, Elijah always wants to play there, because they have furry animal ottomans that he can crawl on top of. Church was awesome, Growly Guy (bass player, his name is Joe, but Geoff and I affectionately refer to him as Growly Guy.) lead worship, and I got chills from singing Sing To The King. We got home and Geoff opened his cards (that card was hilarious Athena!) and his gifts. We spent the rest of the day out in the backyard. We had dinner out there, yummy fajitas on the weber charcoal grill which made me think of camping with the CA crowd. I'm ready for camping now!

Last night we watched Vertigo, having never seen it. We're just going through all the Hitchcock movies on On Demand. Geoff liked, it, but I was just annoyed. By the end, I was hoping everyone would die. Except Midge, I loved her. Well, can't like 'em all. I'm open to suggestions from any Hitchcock fans as to which to see next. We can choose from:
The Man Who Knew Too Much
Rear Window

Well, I guess I'll close with a quote from Usual Suspects.

Keaton: His name is Verbal. Verbal Kint.
McManus: Verbal?
Keaton: Yeah.
Verbal: Roger, really. People say I talk too much.
Hockney: Yeah, I was just gonna tell you to shut up.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

When He's 64

Happy Birthday to Sir Paul.

for you Kelly, the biggest Beatlemaniac I know.

Friday, June 16, 2006

How Droll

Yesterday I thought I was getting better, from whatever had befallen me. It seemed to be just a cold, then something with sinuses, but today I'm practically hoarse. But my need for Kleenex has subsided, so while I can't really talk, I can at least go out in public.

There's a reason I read the obituaries, it's to find out who died, and obviously to inform the un-informed. For instance, I found out that Uncle Norman passed away. He was my (paternal) grandma's brother. I only saw him at family reunions, but his family was kind enough to acknowledge Dad's passing. So I sent them a note. I also told all the Torrances, since other than reunions, we don't see the Harkes. No one seemed to have known.

Blackadder: Baldrick, have you no idea what "irony" is?
Baldrick: Yes, it's like "goldy" and "bronzy" only it's made out of iron.

Wednesday night I spent some time with Lisa on the phone, and I said some stuff that looked an awful lot like irony the next day when I was calling her to vent about nearly the same thing. Ah family, ain't it wonderful! :) Lisa, what would we do without each other? Is that island ready yet?

I've pretty much given up the idea of coming to Alberta this summer. Sorry to everyone who had their hopes up (all 3 of you). It's more than I want to take on alone (traveling with Elijah). We'll all have to wait until the 3 of us come up, when the time and money comes for that.

The plans for this weekend are chores, and taking Geoff out for Father's Day breakfast.

I'll close with a quote from Ren & Stimpy.

Stimpy: [praying] And please bless Grandma and Grandpa...
Ren: And please give me a million dollars, and a fridge with a padlock and, oh yeah, huge pectoral muscles.

Hee Hee

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

A Look At The Vacation

Here is the video I took of Geoff at Mile 6. See how happy he is.

Pics of the vacation are up on my Shutterfly album. I really like the way Cate's pictures display, so I opted to go with Shutterfly (Athena, see now you can enlarge them). Plus they are affiliated with A link to the album can be found on the left (under links). The album is also listed on Elijah's blog (under links).


Monday, June 12, 2006

Just Like Home

It's always hard to leave SoCal, it feels like home.

Yes we did Disneyland (thanks Ali & Kevin), we had a dinner date at P.F. Chang's (again, thanks Ali & Kevin), and we saw Laguna Beach. We did a ton of visiting, and it was more wonderful than I can put into words. It's awesome being a Krolik! (thanks Jake & Cindy) As I said before, everyone there made us feel at home, and we miss our friends terribly.

Noteworthy Notes:
- My first Ben & Jerry's (thanks Chris & Ashley)
- Oilers winning Saturday night
- the 4 husbands hanging out ;)
- Elijah at the beach
- Playing a great game of crib (hee hee)

Now I'm looking forward to September when Cate, Kaisara, Jen & Greg come to visit.

No big plans for this week. Sunday, for Father's Day we'll take Geoff back to the Original Pancake House. That's about all that is going on here.

I'll close with a quote from Dumb & Dumber.

Harry: I can't believe we drove around all day, and there's not a single job in this town. There is nothing, nada, zip!
Lloyd: Yeah! Unless you wanna work forty hours a week.

Sunday, June 11, 2006


We made it home safely, not a bad flight. I'll try to do a real post tomorrow.

We had a fabulous trip, and I can't wait to go back.

Thanks everyone! We love you & we miss you already.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

To Make You Laugh

Thanks to Chris for having a link to this.

Brokeback To The Future

Back To The Future meets Brokeback Mountain.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Ahhh California

Sigh. I'm having a wonderful time. I think we all are. Elijah loves having so many people to pay attention to him and fawn over him. I'll work on getting some pictures up soon.

The marathon was a really neat experience. It was so much fun to watch (until the end), and to see Geoff and be able to cheer for him was awesome. Jen & Sean were great helping out with Elijah, driving all over San Diego, and Sean sharing with Geoff that he knew all that Geoff went through. Afterwards we aimed to go to In-N-Out, but with half the roads closed for the marathon, it just wasn't gonna happen. We ended up at this diner called Brian's. The food was yummy, and the portions were huge, I could have gone the rest of the day without food.

Sunday night we walked all along the harbor area taking in the sights and just getting fresh air. We had a small dinner out there, I had a salad, Geoff had clam chowder (in a bread bowl naturally). I can't wait to get back to San Diego again, it's such a neat town.

We drove safely (and in good time) up to Irvine. Geoff spent the afternoon at UCI (congrats Ryan!) and Cindy, Elijah & I took Amy out to lunch. Amy suggested Mustard (a deli) and I had a very tasty 3 cheese and pesto panini. I totally want a panini press now! I got all the wedding details then we dropped Amy back off at work and went to pick Abbie & Alec up from school. We had First Class Pizza for dinner, then Elijah went to bed, Cindy stayed here, and we took Abbie, Alyssa & Lexi to the church's softball game. After softball, we met Alec, Ashley, Chris, Ali, & Kevin at Coldstone. It was a pretty good day.

Today should be more low-key. Elijah is napping, then we'll go visit everyone at WCC this afternoon. At some point this week we have to get back to UCI because apparently they wanted to see me & Elijah as well.

Yes, I know about Roli. I wasn't able to see the game, I'll try and catch one this week. I was so upset, and a little mad about the whole thing. Now if the Oil pull this off (Jake says it could be a miracle), I will be impressed. I better get on praying (I've actually been praying for the Oilers the whole playoffs).

I'll close with a quote from Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure.

Mr. Ryan: It seems to me the only thing you've learned is that Caesar is a "salad dressing dude."

Sunday, June 04, 2006

He Lived!

Geoff did it, he's fine, doing well. We're heading out to In-N-Out. I'm starving for food! He'll probably blog later.


Okay, I have 10 minutes before my ride to the race gets here, so I'll try to get out as much as I can.

I love San Diego. It's beautiful. We got in late Friday night (late being 8pm) got settled in the hotel and asleep by 9:30. Didn't sleep well, none of us. Both last night and the nigh before, Elijah slept so fitfully, he doesn't get into deep sleep until 3am.

We checked out the expo at the convention center yesterday (got Geoff a new running hat), and then met up with Anna, Francesco & Julia at Balboa Park. You need a few days to see all it has to offer, had we more time, I would have wanted to see some of the museums there. As it was, we just had a picnic lunch which was lovely and spent time watching the kids.

Last night Cate, Kaisara, Jen & Greg met up with us in the Gaslamp district and we had dinner. Not the original dinner we planned, but a nice one nonetheless. The best part was we had so much time to talk. I really missed them. We're gonna get together again later this week, so Elijah has a chance to crawl around, instead of us passing him once someone got tired.

It's go time. Geoff is as ready as he can be. My ride (Sean & Jen coming down) will be here soon, and I have to get Elijah's car seat out of our car. I hope to go down to the harbour area this afternoon. Geoff said he'll want to keep moving.

Stay Classy San Diego!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Happy Anniversary!

Happy 3rd Anniversary to Ali & Kevin! Can't wait to see you next week.

Soooo Cheesy!

Celebrity Poker Showdown with the new Phil was just awkward. It was cheesy, and did not flow well. Perhaps he'll get better. It might also help if Dave wasn't as drunk.

I'm only 12 years late... I finally saw Speed. Yeah, I'd never seen it before. The acting was meh, the dialogue was bleh, but it had cool explosions. So overall, I'd say cheesy, but entertaining. :)

Wednesday I was feeling a little stressed about the trip, but today everything fell into place. Now I feel better. All I want now is for us to get a seat for Elijah on the plane, and I'll be happy.

Last night I dreamt I was on the set of House, talking with the cast (specifically RSL). Geoff dreamt he was on Top Chef, and that he was Harold. He wins for weirdest dream.

I can't wait to get to San Diego. Saturday we meet up with Geoff's old UCI buds, and Saturday night, the godparents are coming down to help Geoff "carb up". I found a neat restaurant I hope we can go to. Apparently it's a chain (they have some in CO), and Greg really likes it there.

I'll close with a quote from Speed so you get a taste of the cheesy writing. (No offense Joss)

Howard Payne: There's gonna come a time, boy, when you will wish you never met me.
Jack: Mister, I'm already there!